Other ImageJ Plugins that are useful for Astronomical Image Processing

For convenience, I have bundled all of the plugins listed here into a single zip archive. Please visit the individual websites if you have difficulties with any of these plugins.

Image Registration – TurboReg and StackReg
Philippe Thévenaz, Biomedical Imaging Group, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Mosaicing – MosaicJ
Philippe Thévenaz, Biomedical Imaging Group, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Contour Plots
Walter O’Dell, University of Rochester

Interactive 3D Surface Plots
Kai Uwe Barthel, Internationale Medieninformatik

Animated Gif Writer
Ryan Raz

Animated Gif Reader
Kevin Weiner (FM Software), Wayne Rasband

Stack Combiner
Wayne Rasband

Substack Maker
Anthony Padua, Daniel Barboriak, Duke University Medical Center

Stack Sorter
Bob Dougherty