One ! headline

Two ! headline

Three ! headline

Four ! headline

Five ! headline
  • Create a group header: to create a group header, go to a page in the desired group and add the temporary link [[ThisGroup.GroupHeader]] e.g. at the top of the page. After saving, this will allow to click that link and hence create the page ThisGroup.GroupHeader. Add all the items to go into that header, in particular a link to re-edit the header. Then remove the temporary link.
  • Link to file: %newwin%[[(Attach:) filename.pdf | Link Description]]
  • For files uploaded separately, 'filename.pdf' must exist in the upload subdirectory for the group of this page
  • If the file does not exist in that subdirectory, it will be imported through the browser and the chosen file will be renamed to filename.pdf
  • %comment% at the beginning of a line turns it into a comment
  • To edit details of the skin, i.e. color, fonts, edit the file pmwiki/pub/skins/gemini/skin.php
  • Anchor: anchor point: , link to anchor: Text
  • [- small text -] , [-- smaller text --], big text and bigger text
  • Protect upload directory from direct read access: put .htaccess into ./uploads/ with content
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
  • Upload: subdirectories must have 777 permissions for upload to work
  • Open a page for public editing: use the pass phrase "@nopass"
  • Using jsMath: put jsMath files into pub/jsMath (fonts go into jsMath/fonts), put jsmath.php into cookbook/ and put include_once('cookbook/jsmath.php'); into local/config.php, unfortunately this did not work. The code
which executes the jsMath stuff, is somehow not written into the generated webpage. Adding the above lines into the template file of the used skin (and also for the print skin), right before </body> got it to work. Here is an example:

{$$ x^2 + y^2 = z^2 $$}

  • Notsosimple skin
    • to change the color of the text (grey somewhat too light), edit all the colors in notsosimple.css that are #666, eg. to #555
  • Create a table and edit it with TableEdit
    • Insert (:table border='1' width='99%':) and then click 'Table Edit' to edit the table.
  • Customized banner graphics and title for individual pages (this might only work with the notsosimple skin). Insert code right below the place where $WikiTitle is defined:
global $DefaultPage, $ScriptUrl, $SkinHomeLink, $WikiTitle;

# to modify the title in the Wiki header, insert a command here
# to find out the pagename, use the next line
# echo $pagename;
if ($pagename == 'Private.RyersonSchedule') {$WikiTitle = 'Ryerson Family Center, Winnipeg';}
and right below the place where $SkinTone is defined
global $SkinTone;

if (empty($SkinTone)) { $SkinTone = "Red"; }

# to modify the background image of the Wiki header, insert a command here
# to find out the pagename, use the next line
# echo $pagename;
if ($pagename == 'Private.RyersonSchedule') {$SkinTone = 'Orange';}
to also disable the menubar on a page, use
global $SkinMenuBarVisible, $EnableMenuBar;

# to modify the title in the Wiki header, insert a command here
# to find out the pagename, use the next line
# echo $pagename;
if ($pagename == 'Private.RyersonSchedule') {$EnableMenuBar = 0;}

if ($EnableMenuBar == 1) { $SkinMenuBarVisible = "style=\"display: block;\""; }
else { $SkinMenuBarVisible = "style=\"display: none;\""; }

  • Change the default size of the edit window: In the file scripts/forms.php, find the definition
 XLSDV('en', array(
  'ak_save' => 's',
  'ak_saveedit' => 'u',
  'ak_preview' => 'p',
  'ak_textedit' => ',',
  'e_rows' => '46',
  'e_cols' => '120'));
and adjust e_rows and e_cols (default is 23 and 60)

The quicktime recipe

(:quicktime scale=aspect width=340 height=256 controller=true loop=true :) scale=aspect seems to be essential; qualifiers for quicktime are found here.

Adding additional file types for uploads

Example: add the line

 'mpp' => 'application/msproj',

to the list in scripts/upload.php.

Trimming the history

After installing the recipe 'expirediff', go to the desired page and add to the URL


if one wants to keep the history over the past 7 days. Without keepdays, all history will be deleted.